Signs Your Jack Russell is Feeling Sick

Signs Your Jack Russell is Feeling Sick

Dogs Can’t Talk, But Their Behavior and Bodies Tell Us a Lot. Here Are the Signs that Tell You if Your Jack Russell is Sick.

Owning a dog can be a wonderful experience. Those wagging tails, perky ears, and loving eyes improve any home. Dogs do as much for us as we do for them. They improve our lives in many ways and can even reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and reduce loneliness.

It’s safe to say, we want to keep our pooches around for a while. Dogs, however, don’t show symptoms of illness the way humans do. Instinctually, dogs try to hide their symptoms from their owners. If your Jack Russell starts acting differently, they may not be feeling well. To help you determine if your Jack Russell is sick, we have provided some common signs that may indicate your furry friend needs the attention of a vet and ways to prevent illness in your Jack Russell Terrier.

Sick Jack Russell TerrierChange in Appearance

Jack Russells are healthy dogs that have thick, beautiful fur and bright eyes. You know your dog better than anyone. You see them and love on them every day. If you notice changes in their body that make you nervous, it’s always better to call your vet. Symptoms in their appearance worth calling your vet about include:

  • New or changes in lumps under the skin
  • Open sores
  • Sudden weight loss or gain
  • Rash
  • Hair loss
  • Changes in coat
  • Persistent head shaking or ear scratching
  • Itching

Change in Behavior

Jacks Russells are usually energetic and spirited little companions with huge personalities. They love attention, playing, and being near their families at all times. If your pup starts acting funny or sleeping more than usual, something could be wrong. If your pup experiences these behavior symptoms over a couple of days, be sure to speak with your veterinarian. Behavioral symptoms include:

  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Agitation
  • Withdrawal
  • Need for more attention than usual

Trouble Breathing

Jack Russell Terriers are athletic dogs and are exceptional in agility and hunting competitions. They are excellent runners and usually do not experience respiratory problems. So, if your pup is experiencing a respiratory issue, that could be a clear indication of a problem. Bring your pup to the vet if they are experiencing any of the following respiratory symptoms.

  • Labored breathing
  • Noisy breathing or wheezing
  • Honking cough
  • Persistent cough that disrupts sleep or lasts over 24 hours
  • Persistent nasal discharge
  • Gagging

If your dog is struggling to catch their breath, check their gums. They should be pink. If the gums are white or have a bluish tint, seek emergency vet care immediately.

Sleeping sick jack russellTummy & Potty Troubles

Most dogs are fond of routines and Jack Russells are no different. Going potty at regular intervals and eating at the same time every day will become a staple in your home with a Jack Russell. If your pup is starting having difficulty going to the bathroom or stops eating regularly, your Jack Russell could be feeling sick. Seek vet care if your pup experiences any of these symptoms:

  • Difficulty or straining using the bathroom
  • Increased volume or frequency using the bathroom
  • Accidents in a previously housetrained dog
  • Loss of appetite
  • Vomiting or diarrhea that lasts more than 24 hours
  • Blood in the stool or urine
  • Abdominal pain or swelling
  • Distended belly

Neurological Symptoms

The following signs indicate nervous system problems. You should take your Jack Russell to the vet immediately if they experience any of these symptoms.

  • Seizures
  • Weakness
  • Stumbling
  • Disorientation
  • Repetitive twitches or circling
  • Loss of consciousness, no matter how brief.

Pain & Fever

Jack Russell Terriers are hearty dogs and are used to rough-and-tumble play, but if your Jack Russell gets hurt, you may not be able to tell. Dogs are very good at hiding pain, most won’t vocalize at all. Your dog may yelp or shy away if touched in a painful area, but most don’t give any obvious signs. If you notice these behaviors in your pup, chances are they may be in pain:

  • Swelling that is warm to the touch
  • Trouble chewing
  • Lameness or stiffness that lasts more than 24 hours
  • Difficulty moving, jumping, or walking
  • Agitation
  • Guarding a specific part of the body.
  • Temperature exceeding 103 F

If your dog’s temperature is above 104.5 F, they may be experiencing heat stroke. This is a life-threatening emergency. Begin cooling measures and seek vet care immediately. If your dog has been in any kind of altercation with another dog, fallen from a height, or been hurt in a car accident, bring them straight to the vet. Never give your Jack Russell pain medicine unless it was specifically prescribed for your pup. This includes any over-the-counter pain medications for humans as they can be very toxic to your dog.

Healthy Jack Russell feels better after being a sick Jack Russell TerrierPreventative Care for Your Pups

Jack Russell Terriers are bold and curious, and they live for a long time. Just like humans go to the doctor for yearly check-ups, your pup needs a yearly vet visit to improve and prolong their life. Dogs receive their immunizations and an evaluation from the vet which help to keep your furry friend feeling well.

Also, you can prevent specific illnesses by following your vet’s recommendations for preventative testing. You can improve your dog’s overall health and well-being by feeding them high-quality dog food made by a reputable company, giving them routine exercise, and providing regular grooming. We also recommend NuVet Plus pet vitamin supplements for your Jack Russell to help them grow and feel their best.

While there are many signs that your Jack Russell may be feeling sick, many dogs simply require a trip to the vet to feel better. In most cases, your dog may need some medicine or antibiotics. Always follow the instructions of your vet to give them the best care. Never diagnose or prescribe medication for your dog yourself. With rest, proper care, and following these tips, your pooch will be back on their feet in no time.
